- #
- 1
Spain: An attractive country for investment
- 2
Setting up a business in Spain
- 3
Tax System
- 4
Investment aid and incentives in Spain
- 5
Labor and social security regulations
- 6
Intellectual property law
- 7
Legal framework and tax implications of e-commerce in Spain
- AI
Company and Commercial Law
The Spanish financial system
Accounting and audit issues
- Introduction
- Different ways of doing business in Spain
- Tax Identification Number (N.I.F.) and Foreigner Identity Number (N.I.E.)
- N.I.E for individuals who are to be shareholders or directors of companies resident in Spain, tax and legal representatives of a branch in Spain, permanent establishments or limited liability entrepreneurs
- N.I.F. for legal entities that are to be shareholders or directors of companies resident in Spain, or owners of branches in Spain or permanent establishments
- Provisional and definitive N.I.F. of the company resident in Spain that is to be set up
- Formation of a company
- Limited liability entrepreneur
- Opening of a branch
- Other alternatives for operating in Spain
- Forms of business cooperation
- Temporary Business Associations (UTEs)
- Economic Interest Groupings (EIGs)
- Silent participation Agreement (C.E.P.)
- Participating loans
- Joint ventures through Spanish corporations or limited liability companies
- Distribution, agency, commission agency and franchising agreements
- Other alternatives for investing in Spain
- Dispute resolution
- Appendix I - Table summarizing the tax treatment given to the various ways of investing in Spain
Establishing a business in Spain
This Chapter describes the basic aspects of the main structures for investing in Spain, as well as the key formalities that a foreign investor must fulfill in order to set up or start up each of them.
Setting up a business in Spain is simple. The type of business entities available are in keeping with those existing in other OECD countries and there is also a wide range of alternatives capable of meeting the needs of the different types of investors who wish to invest in or from Spain.
This Chapter also examines how to open a branch; the pursuit of the activity directly by an individual entrepreneur as a “limited liability entrepreneur”; the formation of a joint venture with one or more enterprises already established in Spain; the acquisition of real estate; the sale and purchase of businesses; investment in venture capital firms; and distribution, agency, commission and franchising agreements.
Further, it should be noted that, ordinarily, there is also almost total liberalization of foreign investment and exchange control in Spain, in line with EU legislation, notwithstanding the extraordinary measure consisting of the suspension of the regime for the liberalization of foreign investment in Spain, introduced by Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of March 17, 2020, on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19, which has been extended until December 31, 2024 by means of Royal Decree 20/2022, of December 27, 2022, on measures to respond to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine and measures to support the reconstruction of the island of La Palma and other situations of vulnerability.